Haymaker Nordic Center - About Us

Sven Wiik, a native of Sweden, immigrated to the United States in 1949 to be employed by Western State College as Professor of Health and Physical Education. In 1960 he became the US Olympic Nordic coach. In 1968, he and his wife Birthe and daughter Birgitta moved to Steamboat Springs to build the Scandinavian Lodge and Mt. Werner Training Center. For over 30 years, this facility drew athletes from around the world and enabled them to achieve their Olympic dreams with Sven’s guidance.

The Wiik family expanded their operation to the Steamboat Ski Touring Center in 1980. Birgitta Wiik-Lindgren and her daughter Kajsa Lindgren currently run the center, continuing the family history. The Steamboat Ski Touring Center is entering its 40th year and has been the host of:

Jr. Olympic Championships
National Masters
NCAA Championships
Nordic Combined Olympic Tryouts
World Class Training Area for Nordic skiers
Pre-Olympic Training Site for foreign teams
Many local and regional races
US Biathlon Teams
US Nordic and Nordic Combined Teams
In 2015 we expanded our operation to Haymaker Nordic Center, here you will find mellow terrain with great views of the Yampa Valley. 

We know you will enjoy your visit to the Steamboat Ski Touring Center and Haymaker Nordic Center. You will find one of the Wiik-Lindgren’s at both nordic centers, teaching lessons, serving lunch, or fitting you with the best equipment on the market. This is truly a Steamboat local family business!

We will make your experience memorable! See you out on the trails!